About us

Our bags and accessories are renowned for their exceptional quality. We uphold this standard by always prioritizing quality over quantity, utilizing premium materials, and, above all, infusing each piece with passion and dedication.

Personal and Distinctive

Every item draws inspiration from the people who have touched the lives of our founders, Emily and Sophia. You'll also notice that each bag carries a personal name. Every piece from CarraBan reflects the personality of the individual who has left an imprint on Emily and Sophia's journey. This is what sets CarraBan apart, making each creation deeply personal and distinctive.

Sustainability at the Core

Sustainability holds a special place in our hearts. Our bags and accessories are meticulously crafted from enduring materials: cork and linen. These resources are entirely natural, biodegradable, eco-friendly, and recyclable – they leave no toxic waste behind. Our commitment to high standards ensures that we deliver only top-quality items.

Social Responsibility

Our bags and accessories come to life in small, family-run workshops in Portugal, under fair and respectful working conditions. Our artisans are not only skilled craftsmen but also valued members of our extended family. Their dedication and hard work shape each product, and we are tremendously appreciative of their efforts. By supporting them, we contribute to improving their lives and well-being. We take immense pride in this. Furthermore, our use of natural materials reflects our dedication to a better planet and a more sustainable future.


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